Impact Strategy & Management
Our Theory of Change
We hope to contribute to the development of a robust and equitable community impact investing industry, financial security for all, quality healthcare for all, and the reduction of the racial wealth, health, and opportunity gaps through these key activities:
We work closely with sponsor partners to design, launch, and manage investment vehicles in a highly collaborative and bespoke approach. Our funds invest in impactful businesses, intermediairies, and community assets.
We offer specialized support services to managers of impact funds and initiatives to help them achieve their goals. Our administrative offerings allow our clients to better focus on their core competencies like investment decision-making, portfolio management, and investor relations.
Through our role as community impact investing experts, including as the largest recipient of NMTCs in program history, influence the industry to more effectively catalyze positive, equitable outcomes within under-resourced communities.
Connect industry players – from local organizations to national investors, industry veterans to new entrants – to increase the scale and effectiveness of community impact investing.
Impact Thesis by Fund
During the fund development phase, Broadstreet creates fund-level impact theses to articulate how the funds will contribute to the targeted outcomes. This enables us to screen out investments as well as proactively seek out investments that will be most impactful. Additionally, the fund-level impact theses guide the metrics that will be monitored for all investments within the fund.
Example Impact Thesis:
We created an impact thesis for our Equitable Health Fund with a focus on contributing to expanding access to health care, creating jobs, and revitalizing communities. We identified key challenges to achieving the intended outcomes, along with how we can effectively contribute to overcoming the challenges.
- Individuals, especially people of color, do not have access to quality, affordable healthcare
- Provide blended, catalytic capital to projects that would not occur but for this financing
- Access to quality, affordable healthcare will lead to improved health outcomes and quality of life

Impact Assessment Framework & Rating Tool
Broadstreet’s impact team has built a robust, comprehensive impact assessment framework and associated rating tool which allow us to consistently evaluate the anticipated impacts of our investments, thus incorporating impact data into the diligence process.
The impact assessment framework is based upon the Impact Management Project (IMP)’s Five Dimensions of Impact: What, Who, How Much, Contribution and Risk. These dimensions, which were identified by the IMP as foundational concepts that should be used to understand any impact, have been widely adopted within the practice of impact management in the impact investing and community investing fields.
Our impact assessment framework and rating tool not only enables us to assess impact more rigorously, but contribute to benchmarking our impact performance, and achieving greater progress toward our community development goals.
Alignment to Industry Best Practices & Partnerships
We align to several industry frameworks to ensure we are measuring our impact in both a rigorous and standardized way. We also collaborate with the broader industry to share learnings and better understand how we can evolve our own IM practices.